
Signs Of Gambling Addiction | Treatment Center & Therapists in Reno

Gambling is a sneaky and unfortunate addiction, as it gives the illusion of quick winnings for little effort. Due to the casino and gaming industry, living in Nevada is especially tempting for those susceptible to gambling or are generally irresponsible with money management. Thankfully, many therapist clinics in Nevada provide a gambling addiction treatment center to help those struggling with their addiction or problem.

The challenge with identifying a person with a gambling addiction (or diagnosing yourself with a problem) is that gambling is a broad and diverse topic that can be applied to any and all tradable entities. This includes products, services and even people. Some of the most common types of gambling are:

  • Slot machines & cards
  • Participating in the Lottery (or any other type of raffle)
  • Informal bets with friends, family members or strangers
  • Hustling
  • Bets on sporting events or other public events

A person typically looks to gambling to solve dire financial strain, and/or when she feels the risk of gambling is less than the possibility of reward. A true understanding of this risk-to-reward ratio is warped and manipulated by the casino industry. It is, after all business as usual for casinos, and people who take part are expected to understand this.  If you or a loved one is exhibiting any or all of the signs below, it’s best to consult a therapist specializing in gambling addiction as soon as possible.

Signs Of Gambling Addiction & Abuse

  • Secrecy over gambling or financial matters in general
  • Lack of self control around gambling
  • Creating opportunities to gamble in inappropriate settings and circumstances
  • Gambling when the person doesn’t have the money in the first place
  • Feeling powerless at the opportunity to gamble — it always takes priority
  • Stealing
  • Heightened anxiety, depression or even suicidal thoughts due to outcomes of gambling
  • Loss of interest in in previous hobbies, relationships — selling items that formerly meant very much to the person
  • Gambling interferes with typical responsibilities — relationships, work, health, etc.

It’s commonly misunderstood that, to be addicted to gambling, a person must gamble everyday. Actually, gambling is recognized as a problem if it is interfering with the health and wellbeing of the person, as well their responsibilities. Another contradiction to one of the aforementioned signs is that if a person is wealthy, they can afford to gamble, and therefore it isn’t necessarily a problem. This is also false reasoning, as gambling affects so much more than the gamblers financial situation (i.e. relationships, legal reputation and mental health).

If you or a loved one is experiencing lack of control with gambling, consult a therapist who specializes in gambling addiction. Ready to make an appointment? Call Healing Minds Today:  (775) 448-9760