
A Blog Supporting Mental Health

Mental Health — Reno NV

Daily Tips To Manage Anxiety

Daily Tips To Manage Anxiety

A staggering 18% of American people over the age of 18 live with anxiety, and only ⅓ of them receive treatment. But anxiety and it’s many forms are paralyzing if not treated. The first step to treating anxiety is understanding how anxiety is experienced. The more we...

Anger Management Coaching From Healing Minds

Anger Management Coaching From Healing Minds

Anger is a normal emotion that everyone experiences. There is nothing unhealthy about anger, but if it isn’t managed properly, it can lead to big problems in psychological, physical and relational health. Anger management coaching can help you understand and manage...

Welcome To Healing Minds LLC Blog

Welcome To Healing Minds LLC Blog

Hello and Welcome to Healing Minds LLC! We’re happy to welcome you to our fresh, updated website and blog. We’d like to use this first post to send a warm hello to you and catch you up on what we’re all about here at Healing Minds. Healing Minds, It’s What We Do....

Tips For Daily Stress Management

Tips For Daily Stress Management

Appropriate stress management promises a more vibrant life–you can experience mood improvement, a boost in your immune system and even prolong your life. A huge part of managing stress is understanding what you’re dealing with. Below is a breakdown of stress and it’s affects on the body.