
Frequently Asked Questions

We answer your Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find common questions about Healing Minds Clinic. If you have specific questions about Family & Marriage Counseling, Anger Management, Stress Management please feel free to call us at (775) 448-9760

I’m not “crazy.” Why should I consider therapy?
Therapy is not saved for the weak, sick and broken. We believe that everyone can benefit from therapy, and should have access to professionals with other specializations to get the full scope of care they need. Maybe you have thoughts that are weighting you down, or behaviors you suspect are getting out of control, we want to help you get to the bottom of what you’re experiencing. Your wellbeing matters, and we’re here to listen.
What’s my role in my therapy process?

When it comes to your life; you’re the author. During your therapy sessions we want to hear your story—the good, the complicated, the messy. In order to make the progress you want, it is essential that you come with a willingness to open your communication lines, and participate actively in accepting your past and writing your future.

To read your full list of rights and responsibilities, click here.

What is my therapist’s role in the therapy process?
We want to talk with you and hear what you’re going through. Our experience has shown us the care we all need starts with meaningful, targeted conversations. We guide you in recognizing possible triggers, exploring how to become aware of them and identifying how to respond appropriately. Together we will decide on an appropriate treatment plan for you.
Why do I sometimes feel drained after a therapy session?

Our time together won’t always be easy, but making progress rarely ever is. Whether you’re here for stress management, anger management, family and marriage counseling or something else, you might find yourself overwhelmed by your discoveries. It’s important to remember things often feel messier before they fall back into place. You’ve made the choice to move forward and grow, and we’re here to stick with you until we reach every goal that’s important to you and those you love. Each meeting is another opportunity to help you confidently take charge and start living the life that’s important to you.

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Marsha Linehan, a psychologist at the University of Washington, originally developed DBT in the 1980s. Although initially intended to help chronically suicidal individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD; please refer to the accompanying fact sheet for information on BPD), DBT has since been adapted for and used to effectively treat a number of other psychological problems. The central dialectic within DBT is to balance acceptance of the person exactly as s/he is in this moment with intense efforts to change the person’s life to increase adaptive functioning and decrease maladaptive behavior. The overarching goal of treatment with DBT is to help individuals develop, as Dr. Linehan would say, “a life worth living.”
How do I refer my adult loved one (spouse, sibling, parent) to therapy?

There are often times when you notice a loved one experiencing pain or lack of control in an area of their life, but they aren’t ready to accept it. Whether they are struggling with trauma, anger, addiction or something else, guiding them toward therapy can be a difficult conversation, but a worthwhile one.

Approach your loved one with compassion and listen to their concerns about therapy. For additional assistance with your conversation, feel free to print out this brochure.

Downloadable PDF

What should I expect on my first visit?

Make an appointment by clicking here. We will then send you a welcome email including necessary forms to be filled out and signed. These forms are:

  • Release of Information (ROI)
  • Adult Intake Form
  • Child Intake Form (if applicable)
  • Cancellation Agreement
  • Insurance Authorization
  • Privacy Policy

We will take these from you before your first session.

Your first day will involve meeting your therapist and establishing a place for a relationship to grow. Depending on your situation, the therapist might begin with an assessment of what you’re dealing with. This will also be a good time to bring up any trigger words or topics that make you particularly uncomfortable. This will help your relationship form on an open foundation from the start.

If you are bringing your child to therapy, please fill out these forms before your first visit.

For more information on what to expect, click here.

Will my insurance cover therapy?

We accept most major insurances. Medicaid and Medicare are currently not being accepted.

How do I start?

We admire you for taking this next step. Register online and we will send you an email of all the information you need before your first visit.

If you’re ready to begin healing, get started by calling the number below, or by making an appointment here.

<div class="max-width-1080 et_pb_row"><div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_3_4 et_pb_column_15"><div class="et_pb_module et-waypoint et_pb_image et_pb_animation_left et_pb_image_2 et_always_center_on_mobile et_pb_image_sticky"><img title="When You're Ready We're Here for You" src="https://healingminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/reno-psyciatric-help_16.png" alt="When You're Ready We're Here for You" /></div><div class="et_pb_text et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_dark et_pb_text_align_left et_pb_text_14"><p>We accept most major insurances.</p></div><p><!-- .et_pb_text --></p></div><p><!-- .et_pb_column --></p><div class="et_pb_column et_pb_column_1_4 et_pb_column_16"><div class="et_pb_text et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_dark et_pb_text_align_center et_pb_text_15"><h3 style="font-weight: 500; font-size: 18px; letter-spacing: 1px; margin-right: 0px; line-height: 1.2em;">Appointments Available</h3><h2 style="font-size: 22px;"><strong>(775) 448-9760</strong></h2></div><p><!-- .et_pb_text --></p></div><p><!-- .et_pb_column --></p></div>

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